The world changes, and Malaysia is no exception. Just a generation, or two ago, most of the food was purchased from local farmers. Now, large companies have moved into the market and process the food in bulk, from huge farms, much like the western world has been doing.
Malaysia is a very mult-culture country, so there is a vast selection of food dishes available.
When Anthony Bourdain visits a particular region, you can be sure he will dig deep, to show us those "hidden gems", those food dishes that even some of the locals have never even tasted before. Malaysia is no except.
Tony is once again, going for the ultimate experience. It's bull's penis, with curry broth. The dish is supposed to enhance a man's particular organ.
The next day, Tony takes off looking for the "real" Malaysia, the local culture, minus the international flavor, that Bourdain really came to see.
Tony has a nose, for sniffing out local flair and finds himself at a local eating spot, way off beaten path.
It's a local, Borneo tribesman, Eddie, a tattoo artist with sunglasses, looking very westernly infused, that catches Mr. Bourdain's interest.
After a very lively discussion, with Bourdain's new found, friend about the local tattooing culture, guess what Tony has a taste for, besides lunch?
After a meal of fish heads and fish stomach, it's off to the local tattoo parlor, so Eddie can go to work on Tony's new tattoo.
Tony hooks up Malaysia's number one chef, Wan. A mega, superstar chef, with his own TV show. Together, they hit the streets for a tour.
Anthony Bourdain's taste for local culture is consuming, and Malaysia is no exception to Tony's appetite. As expected he tastes everything.
The next morning, Mr. Bourdain is off and running to the local caves, for a hindu festival.
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